Mama Dunia

Explore the World. Find Yourself. Make an Impact.

Maasai Scarf

Maasai Shuka - Edit.jpg

Maasai Scarf


These beautiful Maasai shuka scarves were handcrafted in Tanzania by women in Iringa. The shukas are crafted using traditional methods and are a part of traditional maasai clothing. The shukas were purchased in person, for a fair price, then brought to the US to sell.

The women who created this handicraft are part of a project called Mama Dunia, under Live Dunia, which aims to support women throughout the world. Mama Dunia aims to work with Women's co-ops in Tanzania to support their livelihood by purchasing and selling their handicrafts for fair prices.

These maasai shukas are typically worn as a full outfit, but we find they make perfect infinity scarves.

As a warning, the color may bleed when wet.

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